Today is Sunday the 24th of January. It just snowed about two and half feet in Brooklyn, so it seems like the ideal time to start my PCT blog. I have been dreaming about this trip for the last three years, but there has always been something getting in the way of my plans. Eventually, I've realized, that there will never be the perfect moment to drop everything and do such an intense trip. If it's something you really want, you need to just commit and make it happen, NO MORE WAITING. My start date is April 10th.
It's been a long, daunting and difficult task to figure out all of the gear, mail drops, resupplies, permits... and anything else I will need that I haven't thought of. I'm a total gear junkie, which has (surprisingly) not been great for planning a semi-ultra light thru-hike. I have spent countless hours obsessing over every piece of gear on my list, and still have not made decisions on many of the most important things. For example, my backpack and sleeping bag. Probably the two most important things one needs while hiking. I am counting every ounce, and constantly talking myself into (and out of!) gadgets both on and off my list. Hopefully this gets easier and I get this task over with sooner rather than later!