Kearsarge to Mammoth

This has been the most beautiful section of trail thus far, truly awe-inspiring. As this section nears to an end I am losing my friend and companion, monkey feet, to the big bad city, and real life work. But I gain my father and girlfriend whom I can't wait to hike with. I am going to let most of these pictures speak for themselves.

Glen Pass

Glen Pass

Glissade down Glen Pass

Rea Lake

Rea Lake

Dope bridge crossing

Good morning coyote  

Pinchot Pass

Top of Pinchot


Top of Mather summitted at 8pm

Slide down

Monkey feet snacking on a wild onion

book burning

MARMOT this little guys are everywhere

Muir Pass

Muir Pass hut

Our friends who are a day ahead left us a note in the hut

Evolution Lake. IM BACK, 10 years later



Seldon pass

 VVR (vermilion valley resort) 



taking a boat back to the trail across Edison lake

Silver pass

After once we got to mammoth we rented a car grabbed two 30 racks, 60 dogs and head up to Tuolomne Meadows for some trail magic. 

Then headed down into Yosemite Valley to check it out

El cap

Half dome



Half dome and el cap and me

Good bye monkey feet, safe travels

Dead mans summit, lets climb