5/6/2016 Big Bear to Wrightwood

Well, we made it to Big Bear Lake where we took two zero days to avoid some oncoming weather.

Here's the trail fam chillin' in our cabin to escape the snowy weather.

Welcome to The Goblet of Fire, yeah that's right- Harry Potter time. 

Welcome to The Goblet of Fire, yeah that's right- Harry Potter time. 

The day improved, and I went for a bike ride to check out the town with The Governor, Dad, and SPF (Sweet Princess Fabio) 

Stopped for a drink!

Stopped for a drink!

Oh jeez, The Governor has WAY too much food, 8 pounds of cliff bars alone... Maybe time to send some ahead!


We started off on towards Wrightwood with 8 days of food, our longest stretch yet. The first day was a beautiful clear day.


My first day walking who should I stumble upon, but the speed demon above, just chillin' out and taking in this spectacular view of Big Bear Lake


We camped out that night and learned our lesson... You can't wait out the weather because it will catch up with you.  

Day 2 woke up to snow, Zpacks PonchBros UNITE!

Day 2 woke up to snow, Zpacks PonchBros UNITE!

What a glorious rock ....#phallicrocksofthepct

What a glorious rock ....#phallicrocksofthepct

After a snowy, rainy day, we all enjoyed a fire and the weather started to clear up.

Fire Porn

Fire Porn

Spooky ghosts

Spooky ghosts

Night shot

Night shot

Here goes day 3,  a bridge in the woods... Whats at the end of the bridge??? 


FRIENDS! And bathrooms to the left and who knows what to the right...


Oh I know... 30' cliff jump at mile 299... Yes, please!

Go Monkey Feet!

Go Monkey Feet!

Yeah SPF

Yeah SPF

Jumping boys... I swear The Governor jumped, I just don't have a picture of it.

Jumping boys... I swear The Governor jumped, I just don't have a picture of it.

We find some weird stuff in the woods... 

We find some weird stuff in the woods... 


We ended day 3 at amazing hot springs in the middle of nowhere. I think we will take a half day here tomorrow...

Monkey Feet's morning bath

Monkey Feet's morning bath

Hello world

Hello world

Made it about 12 miles this afternoon but the campsite wasn't large enough for all 7 of us with our tents, so cowboy camping it is... Hope the weather holds!

We have added to our group of misfit hiker trash! Meet Skittles (the shirtless guy in the middle)

We have added to our group of misfit hiker trash! Meet Skittles (the shirtless guy in the middle)

I got my final trail name this night, I am pleased to introduce myself, the man behind the camera, as Jedi Goat.

Left to right: SPF, Skittles, The Governor, Monkey Feet, Jellybean, and Trooper... Dad went on ahead we will see him soon

Left to right: 

SPF, Skittles, The Governor, Monkey Feet, Jellybean, and Trooper... Dad went on ahead we will see him soon

Epic pole shot

Epic pole shot

Good morning

Good morning

SOOOO much water, haven't seen this much water in a long time, Silver Lake is huge. 

SOOOO much water, haven't seen this much water in a long time, Silver Lake is huge. 

Made it to Silver Lake on the fifth day, seemed like a nice opportunity for a lounge on the beach and a quick dip. Too bad I had to leave here with 7 liters of water...

Camp, people might be getting bored of my picture taking...

Camp, people might be getting bored of my picture taking...

Guess I should hand someone else the camera?

Guess I should hand someone else the camera?


Ok we are on our way to Cajon Pass... Day 6

Woo only 2296 more miles to Canada, 12% down  

Woo only 2296 more miles to Canada, 12% down  

Really? McDonalds definitely paid for this sign, to prey on starving hikers.

Really? McDonalds definitely paid for this sign, to prey on starving hikers.

Just because

Just because

More trains, these things are amazing they are carrying about 40 cars or double stacked shipping containers,  super efficient 

More trains, these things are amazing they are carrying about 40 cars or double stacked shipping containers,  super efficient 

Right down there, we just crossed the San Andreas fault line.

Right down there, we just crossed the San Andreas fault line.

Good nignt

Good nignt

Good Morning

Good Morning

Breakfast, not a bad camping spot  

Breakfast, not a bad camping spot  

Day 7 we shot for a campsite 2-5 miles from the road, easy day- just 12-15 miles and a 3500' climb



Where am I... Did I just enter the zombie apocalypse?

Where am I... Did I just enter the zombie apocalypse?

Oh, it's a ski resort obviously  

Oh, it's a ski resort obviously  

Well the weather wasn't worth it, and the crew wasn't feeling up to it, so we said screw it. We made it a 17 mile day and hiked out, and rented our cabin for an extra night. Thank you Stu, for a good deal on the cabin and picking us up from the trail head!

Home for two nights... Reindeer Cottage

Home for two nights... Reindeer Cottage

Happy birthday SPF

Happy birthday SPF

The Trail continues to amaze and inspire me every day, from the blazing hot dry desert to snowy high elevation forest in a matter of miles. High winds, hot springs, lakes, and cacti. I am so thankful to be out here and hanging out with such an amazing group of people. I can't wait to see what adventures await us ahead.