Walking over The Bridge of The Gods- Washington, here we come!
View of Thunder Island from the Bridge of the Gods, with all of the tents still set up from the PCT Days festival.
Mt. Adams
BIG ASS glacier on Mt. Adams
"Excellent Lava Spring"- the purest water on trail
Jedi Goat walking into Goat Rocks Wilderness... I'm home!
Mt. Rainier
We hit the Knife's Edge on a perfect, clear day
The closest we got to Mt.Rainier
Turnip Toes having a very bad day!
Turnip Toes having a very GOOD day!
Carrying that extra pine cone just in case...?
Stehekin- the last trail town before Canada!
Roasting leftover pieces of cinnamon buns from the amazing Stehekin Bakery over the fire
Coffee Bar set up for hikers at Rainy Pass, THANKS Support Droid
Dope ass Mushroom... Definitely edible.
Pasayten Wilderness... Spectacular
No Words
Some people carried whiskey to celebrate at the terminus, we carried Oreos and goat milk.
How to truly end the trail- cut off all your hikertrash hair.